Combustion Heater Pressure Decay Test

Required by AD: 2004-21-05

The above pictured heaters are C&D Aircraft Heaters and are not affected by the A.D.

If you have a Combustion Heater (Cabin Heater) in your aircraft chances are you have to comply with AD: 2004-21-05 every 500 hours of heater operation or 2 years (whichever comes first). A majority of maintenance facilities do not have the equipment to perform the Pressure Decay Test required by AD: 2004-21-05. They either just flat out do not perform the decay test or they have to send out the heater to have the test performed (most shops that can perform this test have a turn around time of about a week).


We not only have the proper equipment to perform the Pressure Decay Test as required in AD: 2004-21-05, but we also perform the test at a fixed rate of $325  (does not include labor to remove or re-install heater). One thing is for sure, you do not want these heaters to blow up or catch fire!


We can perform the Pressure Decay Test as required in AD: 2004-21-05 with a one day turn around time. Call and schedule a your Decay test or just ship your heater to us. Don't take chances with these heaters, this Pressure Decay Test is extremely important.


While performing the Pressure Decay test we will look over your heater and inform you if anything needs to be replaced. We do not overhaul cabin heater. We only perform the Pressure Decay Test as required in AD: 2004-21-05. Your safety and comfort is our concern.